Books,  Writing

Book Musings 2022

I was compiling a list of some of my favorite books for the year, and it occurred to me while I looked back through the titles, that this has been one of the best years I’ve had since I got back into reading.

The more I come back to who I was and the person I want to be, the more passion I find in my reading life. Of the titles I read this year, I deeply enjoyed most of them. I chalk this up (partly) to not being afraid to DNF titles. The days of pushing myself to finish every book I start are long gone.

There’s beauty in quality over quantity, and I’d rather read 50 books I adore, than slog through 200 mediocre ones just for the sake of numbers. 

I read physical books, e-books, and listened to audiobooks.

I ripped through fantasy that spanned several books and hundreds and hundreds of pages. 

I revisited childhood favorites and remembered why they were favorites.

I  found the most enjoyable comic I’ve read in years. 

I discovered new things about science and merged my love of art with my love of animals.

I went to dark places, decadent places, and places full of hope that made me cry. 

I read things that challenged and changed the way I see myself. 

When it comes to books, as most things in my life, I do best following joy, and  the sheer enjoyment I’ve felt during 2022 is proof of an incredibly successful reading year. 

I wish all of you a safe and warm holiday season, whatever that looks like for you, and an upcoming year of relentlessly pursuing your own reading happiness.

– Sara Myriad

One Comment

  • Aunt Val

    I love that you can immerse in books and be whisked away, going places you never dreamed existed. You have such a way with words and thoughts… makes my heart smile.