I often encounter the following advice: think back to what gave you joy as a child, and try to incorporate that into your life again. As a kid, I enjoyed using my hands, and I was constantly requesting things like jewelry-making kits for my birthdays. It seemed wise to begin crafting again. So, I took this advice to heart…
Bookworms in the Time of COVID-19: An Obsession
Humans are wired to seek out patterns. My pattern is to be a bookworm. When my world went on lock down due to COVID-19, well, I found ways to cope. I’ve touched on the benefits that cleaning out books provided my mental health, and I still agree with what I said. I was enjoying my parred-down shelves. Apparently, all…
Good Vibes Only? Why This Popular Phrase is a Problem
“Good Vibes Only!” has inserted itself on shirts, hats, bumper stickers. It’s become so popular, it’s difficult to not encounter it in some form daily. It was once one of my favorite personal mantras. Now? Not so much. I have no quibbles with the phrase, “Good vibes only!” itself. Being hopeful and knowing that there are things to be…
Do They See You?
It’s no secret that I am a bibliophile, for which my husband has always been supportive, but he isn’t the type to buy books as gifts. That changed this past Christmas. He picked out the book pictured above: it details various Tarot card meanings, and ties those meanings into tips to increase creativity. Mike isn’t a reader. He isn’t…
Things That’ve Made Me Happy Recently, Part 2
It’s been a couple of months since I have made one of these lists. I think my gratefulness comes through in many of my posts, but, well, I just really like making lists sometimes. Antibiotics to help me feel better. I have a kidney infection going on, so I am glad I am able to take something that helps…
This Week’s Inspiration
New Moon Blessings
Beloved brothers and sisters, I hope you all have a blessed New Moon. You were drawn to this post for a reason. If you have recently been suffering from toxic interactions with others, let this reassure you: things are going to be resolved. Love, Sara
The Promise of Little Things
The sweet, shocking feeling of healing oneself.
Good Vibrations: Raise Yourself (Pt. 1)
Even if you haven’t seen the vast number of posts circulating the Web that mention “low” versus “high” vibrations, you are undoubtedly familiar with them, even subconsciously: they’re feelings you get from people, places, or situations. That one person who, despite not actually doing anything to you, stresses you out when you’re around them? That’s low vibration.That job which…
This is 33.
Happy Birthday to me! I was originally going to do one of those “X Things I’ve Learned/X Things I Love in X Years” things, but I sat down to list it all, and I realized I didn’t want to just put out a huge, long list for the sake of hitting a certain number. I could do it, but…