“Good Vibes Only!” has inserted itself on shirts, hats, bumper stickers. It’s become so popular, it’s difficult to not encounter it in some form daily. It was once one of my favorite personal mantras. Now? Not so much. I have no quibbles with the phrase, “Good vibes only!” itself. Being hopeful and knowing that there are things to be…
Do They See You?
It’s no secret that I am a bibliophile, for which my husband has always been supportive, but he isn’t the type to buy books as gifts. That changed this past Christmas. He picked out the book pictured above: it details various Tarot card meanings, and ties those meanings into tips to increase creativity. Mike isn’t a reader. He isn’t…
This Week’s Inspiration
New Moon Blessings
Beloved brothers and sisters, I hope you all have a blessed New Moon. You were drawn to this post for a reason. If you have recently been suffering from toxic interactions with others, let this reassure you: things are going to be resolved. Love, Sara
Good Vibrations: Raise Yourself (Pt. 1)
Even if you haven’t seen the vast number of posts circulating the Web that mention “low” versus “high” vibrations, you are undoubtedly familiar with them, even subconsciously: they’re feelings you get from people, places, or situations. That one person who, despite not actually doing anything to you, stresses you out when you’re around them? That’s low vibration.That job which…
I Forgive You
This is something I have been putting off. I should really know better. Haven’t I always known I wouldn’t be able to truly move on by pretending I wasn’t still hurting? That my upturned nose and indignant sniffs of, “I don’t care at all!” were just more bandages on the cracks in the foundation? I’ve been seeing so many…
Stop Shaming My Sisters
My sisters, I want you to know that I will always be there for you. I will be the one saying you look fantastic and strong, when others turn up their noses and say you need to act ladylike or no one will respect you, or you’re asking for it because you wear that outfit. I will be the…
Hush. Rest.
No one could accuse me of lacking a work ethic, but I also greatly enjoy my down time. Recently, events in my life have, as they say, “lit a fire” under my butt, and I have moved into action in a way similar to a bull barreling down a hill. This happens to me occasionally, when I have decided…
Thoughts on a Tuesday: Ego
“Not everything is about you.” I tell myself, cursing the person in front of me, who is keeping their car a firm ten miles below the speed limit, at least. They seem to be overly cautious, I want to get home quickly, and our conflict of interest has left me feeling like they’re doing it on purpose. Ego is,…