I was compiling a list of some of my favorite books for the year, and it occurred to me while I looked back through the titles, that this has been one of the best years I’ve had since I got back into reading. The more I come back to who I was and the person I want to be,…
You’re No Samwise
I wanted you on this journey with me, But I had to accept things as they were, So I left you sitting on the bottom step, Watching me walk up; away into the clouds. – Sara Myriad, 2022
The Right Ones
Don’t worry if they’re thinking about you. Think about yourself. Tell yourself a kind thought first thing in the morning, and before you go to sleep. Be so sure of your abilities and your determination that no one can make you feel unsafe, because you are your fiercest protector. This will make it so much easier to accept love…
Your Pain Wants Answers. Answer It.
I understand the thoughts you’ve had. If you’d been a certain way, maybe you’d have been loved. If you’d been smarter. Better. You’ll think others have it figured out and are more valuable, but it’s never been about them, and their own hidden worlds don’t indicate their worth any more than your own struggles mean you’re unworthy. I’m here…
The Alone
The greatest gift I gave myself Is the pleasure of my own company To find in that calming, accepting presence, The grace to exist completely. – Sara Myriad, 2022
The way I see it, there are two types of people The first appreciates the tiger for what it is Rejoices when the animal is alive and fierce in its element, Respects and adores without confining The second wants that striped pelt for themselves Hunts, takes, proudly displays, Not caring the essence of what the tiger was, is lost…
Only Strength
I began this website because at the time, I needed it. I needed a place to write out all of my feelings, because the escape was necessary and healing. I look back on the posts I did over the course of a couple years and I see someone who had made great strides, but was still so uncertain and operating…
A Vase or a Book
I give to others, Because, like poetry is the truth In the breath and words I exhale, I cannot love any other way Than deeply and rawly. I reject, refuse The fear of loss, becoming less. Vital parts breaking away, a final straw, Rendering me, finally, as dust. I won’t be a vase made of fragments, But rather cloth,…
Today, I am soft, weak; a shell less hermit crab, You’re a seagull, beak snatching, eyes pitch and cold. Tomorrow, I will be that seabird, air-lifted, arrogant, Tomorrow is years away, but my strength is loyal, Shrieking back like cicadas just when I’ve forgotten, So, today, I say nothing, ask nothing, Nothing, nothing, Today, I say nothing. – Sara…
I Started Crafting Again. Here’s How It’s Benefited Me.
I often encounter the following advice: think back to what gave you joy as a child, and try to incorporate that into your life again. As a kid, I enjoyed using my hands, and I was constantly requesting things like jewelry-making kits for my birthdays. It seemed wise to begin crafting again. So, I took this advice to heart…