Once I stayed up fueled on ramen and sugar
Penned a story confronting my demons
Or maybe they were yours, coming for a visit
You loved it, of course you did
How could you not when it was both of us
The lines blurred so long ago I forget
If we were symbiotic or parasitic
Not that it mattered, not when we were always
Simultaneously starving and fed
My jealousy snaking white hot and melting
Between my legs at the thought of losing you
You were salvation, my get out of jail free card
I was your drug and dealer at the same time
One more hit, just one, dull the pain
I always felt you were above me and
You always thought I was about to take flight
The curtain’s falling, but only we know if
It’s the final act or just an intermission
But I am so fucking sick of intermissions and
Understudies and rehearsals and fittings
I want the lights shining on me so bright
The theater may as well be empty because
I can’t see the audience anyway and maybe
The applause is all in my head (God, I hope it’s not)
The way you were
I still hear your voice stage whispering my lines
Sara Myriad
One Comment
Frank Vasquez
Another emotionally devastating/evocative and visually impressive poem! Thank you